Monday, May 16, 2011

Thumbs Up at Two Years

Last week I had my two years since end of treatment exam. This one is a big one, since a clean exam at two years pumps up the probability of longer term survival significantly. Dr. Fong did a very thorough job of checking me out along with the usual probe through the nose and everything looks great!
I told Bonnie earlier that if I passed this one I was going to buy a new sports car. This is no mid-life crisis. It's a life celebration. Plus the family sedan I drive is now 19 years old. It's still running fine and I plan to keep it but I'm going to go for something a bit more fun!
I took Bonnie out to look at the models I was considering and to discuss colors. When I told her that had narrowed it down to 2 models and each had its attractions. She said, "Well in that case, you should buy both of them." What a gal. We had a laugh later when our good friend and neighbor, Vince, said the exact same thing two days later!
I'm not done with exams. I have 2 more in August; one at Kaiser and one at UCSF. Actually I look forward to them and I would be very disappointed if Dr. Fong didn't stick that probe down my nose. It's something that not everyone would understand I guess.
Bye bye for now. Stay well. Have fun. Play nice.


  1. We are thrilled by the great news!!! Have been checking for your update daily in anticipation...
    Please get both cars so we can "double date"!

  2. Good for you man. My "two year is this August" and I can totally related, as I have a monthly nose cam. Each time is slightly different, I always rate the performance of the nose cam operator. surprisingly the most senior attending physician, who was probably filling in, did the smoothest job. On the one had you would guess experience is the key, on the other you'd think the careful residents with their keen reflexes and sharp sense would have the advantage. Apparently experience wins out on this one.
