Saturday, May 16, 2009

This is the start of Todd's 7th week post-treatment. It goes by so fast, yet things change so slowly. But there is good news this week! Todd started the week off still not eating enough, and vomiting once a day, which made things even worse. We were both pretty down because of that. Joyce and Glen came for a visit and cheered us up. Glen had mentioned using an appetite stimulant to good effect and so we talked to Dr. Liu about trying one. It has made all the difference!

The one he is using not only stimulates his appetite, but helps control the vomiting and also helps a little with the pain. Because his throat is hurting less, he is actually eating a little solid food. Since last night he has had tiny bay scallops, most of a poached egg, three tortellinis, a spoonful of mac and cheese, a little ice cream, a few bits of chicken and pork. Ensure Plus, Jello and cling peaches are still on the menu, but it is wonderful to have it expand! The next big (huge!) step will be when he can eat solid food without the help of drugs, but for now we will take this interim step.

Todd is still pretty fragile. He pulled a muscle reaching behind himself to pick up a pillow(!)--and it hurts whenever he revisits that movement. He has lost a lot of muscle mass. Today we bought new jeans size 32 (he normally wears a 34), as his regular ones were just getting way too baggy. They are still a loose fit in the leg. We also got him a summer hat so he can avoid the sun on his face and neck. I took him for a haircut and she did a nice job of camoflaging the sparse spots on the back of his head. We went for a walk around the block tonight once it cooled down from the 97 degree heat we had today.

Todd's sister Penny will visit us over the holiday weekend with her two grown children. We are looking forward to seeing them. Chad has visited us a few times, as he is living in Alameda and working with an engineering firm on the Bay Bridge. We haven't seen his sister Heather or mom for a while. It should be a nice visit!

It's great that the week is ending on such a high note, as the first part of it was definitely depressing! Thank you all for your good thoughts and comments and cards. They really keep us focused on the positive.



  1. Hi Todd,
    Marcel told me you were ill, and that you kept a blog. I googled to find it quickly, and read all text so far... amazing what you go through.
    I do admire your pragmatic, sensible and scientific approach to combat this indifferent and mean desease, and the strength your family gives you.
    Sure thing you get well again. Hope you remember me, from meetings in various places in the world. I certainly remember your worldly knowledge and your "dog house" paradigm.
    Roelf, from Switzerland.

  2. Hi to my favorite Walnut Creek Ref!!!! Bonnie's most recent blog suggests maybe slightly better days ahead - at least, I will be pulling for that to be the case.
    I think you both are amazing to be sharing your experience this way.
    I am busy with setting up referee training this summer, and planning more opportunities to promote referee development. I'm smiling just to think about it. If you'd feel up to a visit when I'm in Walnut Creek (where my parents live) or San Remote, let me know. I would definitely try to stop by if it would be helpful.
    Wishing you everything positive, Linda from THRA (and FSYSL)

  3. Todd and Bonnie,

    Just decided to see how you're doing...glad that you are on the mend, even though it seems slow. It will all behind you soon and you can back to all the things you enjoy. (including your wonderful creme brulee.

    I look forward to seeing you at the New Year's gourmet club when this is all just a fading memory. You'll be so glad you kept this blog.

    Audrey in Oregon

  4. Hi Todd and Bonnie,

    I just found your blog...have to read it in its entirety. Praying for you...

    Marty from Long Island via Chicago via Meadville via Butler
